When setting out on a new goal, and sometimes when you’re well on the way, it can happen that there’s a moment of suspension. The next step isn’t obvious, and it feels like you’re waiting for something to happen. I love these moments in general. The feeling of not knowing can be the forerunner of a flash of inspiration or a miracle of serendipity.
If the moment lingers, however, and gets a little stale, then taking a small step can get things moving again. Ask yourself, “What’s one thing I could do right now that would move me towards my goal?”
I like to keep a list of logical actions so that when I’m feeling less inspired I don’t have to come up with something. If it’s business, that might be writing an article, sending out a proposal, creating some marketing material, booking a networking event, finishing some work and sending it to the client, contacting someone I’ve worked with before, or going on LinkedIn and responding to others’ content. If it’s travel I might research some destinations or learn a few words of vocabulary in another language.
Whatever your goal is, pick an action that feels easy and enjoyable. Keep your eyes open for anything that holds a “should”. A goal is not just about the end point, although it can feel great to achieve it. Life is lived in the step you’re taking right now.
Jennifer Manson is an author and coach. Find out about Jennifer’s manifestation, goal-setting and future creation coaching…