Creativity from uncertainty

Reading Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success this weekend, I was enveloped by the statement that creativity comes in a space of uncertainty.

When we create something entirely new, we can’t know in advance what it will be, or how it will come – by definition, if it’s new, it’s something neither we nor anyone else has ever seen or done before.

And the greater the uncertainty, the greater the possibility, creativity, opportunity.

Which can leave us in a dilemma, because uncertainty is not always a comfortable place to be.

So how do we deal with that? For me, it comes back to the one certainty we do have – that we know when we are speaking and living our truth. That sense of rightness, that deep knowing, that tells us that the thing we are doing or planning to do, the thing we are saying or planning to say, comes from a place deep within us from which we cannot lie; everything that comes from there is our Truth.

When people ask me how life can be simple, my answer is always this: there are a million ways to lie – there is only one way to tell the truth; there are a million things we could do that are not on our path – there is only one thing, at any given moment, that is right for us to do. We always know it. We always know what it is.

It is there for us to hear in the stillness. If we are still, still in that place of uncertainty, we hear it, feel it, do it, from our heart’s truth.

… in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom
from our past, from the known
which is the prison of past conditioning.

And in our willingness to step into the
unknown, the field of all possibilities,
we surrender ourselves to the creative mind
that orchestrates the dance of the universe.

Deepak Chopra
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

For a message from my heart’s truth, listen to my free audio, Is your book ready?

From my heart to yours,

Have a wonderfully creative day,


Jennifer Manson is an author and coach. Find out about Jennifer’s manifestation, goal-setting and future creation coaching

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